Journal Publications
86. Laurentiu Nastac, 3D Modeling of the Solidification Structure Evolution of Superalloys in Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Processes, Metals 2021, 11(12), 1995;
85. Aqi Dong and Laurentiu Nastac, Prediction of Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing in Al Alloys using Machine Learning, Met Trans B, 52(4), pp. 2395-2403, 2021 (published online 5/18/2021),
84. T. Liu, M. Karkkainen, L. Nastac, V. Arvikar, I. Levin, L. N. Brewer, Iron-rich intermetallics in high pressure die cast A383 aluminum alloys, INTERMETALLICS, vol. 126, , November 20, article 106814, 2020:
83. Qing Cao and L. Nastac, Mathematical Modeling of Slag-metal Reactions and Desulfurization Behavior in Gas stirred Ladle Based on DPM-VOF Coupled Model, Iron & Steel Making Journal, 2020. vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 873-881:
82. A. Dong and L. Nastac, The Ultrasound Effects on the Formation of the Solidification Structure of A356 Processed via a 2-Zone Induction Melting Furnace, June 12, 2020, MCWASP XV 2020, IOP Publishing, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 861 June 12, 2020, article 012069, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/861/1/012069.
81. E. Mardaras, R. Gonzales, R. Bayon, L. Nastac, S. Mendez, Surface Modification of Ductile Iron Produced by an Innovative In-situ Casting Technique, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Vol. 33, issue 2-3, May 14, 2020:
80. T. Liu, J. R. Bunn, C. R. Fancher, L. Nastac, V. Arvikar, I. Levin, L. N. Brewer, Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Residual Strain in High-Pressure Die Cast A383 Engine Blocks, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 29, pp. 5428-5434, August 12, 2020:
79. M. Karkkainen and L. Nastac, Evaluation and Implementation of a Fundamental Model for Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient in High-Pressure Die-Casting, Met Trans B, vol. 51, 664-676, 2020
78. T. Liu, S. Morales, M. Karkkainen, L. Nastac, V. Arvikar, I. Levin, L.N. Brewer, The Combined Effects of Sr Additions and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Pressure Die Cast A383 Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 756, pp. 373-380, 2019,
77. A. Pitts-Baggett and L. Nastac, Inclusion Evolution Comparison of Aluminum-Killed Silicon-Bearing and Silicon-Restricted Grades, Iron & Steel Technology, July 2019 (2019 AIST Jerry Silver Award and AIST 2020 Hunt-Kelly Outstanding Paper Award (AIME) Second Place)
76. M. Karkkainen and L. Nastac Numerical Modelling of Convective Heat Transfer for Turbulent Flow in “Bubbler” Cooling Channels" JOM, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 772-778, 2019 (DOI: 10.1007/s11837-018-3261-x).
75. G. M. Poole and L. Nastac, Comparison of Coil Configuration and Position on Flow Characteristics of A319 Aluminum in Electromagnetically Stirred Solidification Systems, JOM, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 59-68, 2019 (
74. Y. Xuan and L. Nastac, An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Al-based Nanocomposites Manufactured via Ultrasonic Cavitation and Solidification Processing, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN17), Thessaloniki, Greece, July 4-7, 2017, published in Materials Today: Proceedings 5/8P2, 2018, pp. 16022-31.
73. Q. Cao and L. Nastac. Mathematical Modeling of the Multiphase Flow and Mixing Phenomena in a Gas-Stirred Ladle: The Effect of Bubble Expansion, JOM, online June 19, 2018, pp. 1-11 (DOI: 10.1007/s11837-018-2977-y).
72. Y. Xuan, T. Liu, L. Nastac, L. Brewer, I. Levin and V. Arvikar, The Influence of Ultrasonic Cavitation on the Formation of Fe-rich Intermetallics in A383 Alloy, Met Trans A, Journal, Online, June 1, 2018, Vol. 49A, August 2018, pp. 3346-3357 (
71. Q. Cao and L. Nastac, Numerical Modelling of the Inclusion Transport and Removal Behavior in a Full-Scale Gas-Stirred Ladle, Iron & Steel Making Journal, online, January 26, 2018, 21, pp. 1-8 (DOI: 10.1080/03019233.2018.1426697).
70. Q. Cao, L. Nastac, A. Pitts Baggett, and Q. Yu, Numerical Investigation of Desulfurization Kinetics in Gas-Stirred Ladles by A Quick Modeling Analysis Approach, Met Trans B, Journal, online March 13, 2018, Vol. 49, Issue 3, June 2018, pp. 988-1002 (DOI: 10.1007/S11663-018-1234-7).
69. Q. Cao and L. Nastac, Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow, Mass Transfer and Slag-Steel Interfacial Behavior in Gas-stirred Ladles, Met Trans B, Journal, online February 26, 2018, 38, pp. 1-17 (DOI: 10.1007/s11663-018-1206-y).
68. Y. Xuan and L. Nastac, The Role of Ultrasonic Cavitation in Refining the Microstructure of Aluminum Based Nanocomposites during the Solidification Process , Ultrasonics, online on July 1, 2017, Vol. 83, February 2018, pp. 94-102
67. Y. Xuan, S. Jia, and L. Nastac, Processing and Microstructure Characteristics of As-Cast A356 Alloys Manufactured Via Ultrasonic Cavitation During Solidification, High Temperature Materials and Processes Journal, online, January 27, 2017, Vol. 36, Issue 4, April 2017, pp. 381-387,
66. A. Pitts, P. Turner, J. Hallmark, B. Williams, and L. Nastac, Method for Simultaneous Sampling of Steel at Multiple Depths in the Refining Ladle, Iron & Steel Technology Journal, January 2017 issue, pp. 1-9.
65. Q. Cao, A. Pitts, and L. Nastac, Numerical Modeling of Desulfurization Reaction Kinetics in an Argon Gas-stirred Ladle Furnace, Iron & Steel Making Journal, published online, December 7, 2016, pp. 1-8,
64. D. Zhang and L. Nastac, Progress on Numerical Modeling of the Dispersion of Ceramic Nanoparticles during Ultrasonic and Solidification Processing of Al-based Nanocomposites, JOM, Vol. 68, 12, 2016, pp. 3134-3142, DOI 10.1007/s11837-016-2059-y.
63. S. Jia, Y. Xuan, L. Nastac, P.G. Allison, and T.W. Rushing, Ultrasonic Processing of 6061-based Nanocomposites for High Performance Applications, accepted (April 25, 2016), a special issue of International Journal of Cast Metal Research (IJCMR) honoring Doru Michael Stefanescu: Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification, Vol. 29 (5), 2016, pp. 286-289,
62. D. Zhang and L. Nastac, Numerical Modeling of the Dispersion of Ceramic Nanoparticles during Ultrasonic Processing of A356-based Nanocomposites, International Journal of Cast Metal Research (IJCMR), Taylor & Francis, online Feb 8, 2016, pp. 1743-1336, DOI: 10.1080/13640461.2016.1144266.
61. L. Nastac, S. Jia, M. N. Nastac and R. Wood, A Numerical Model for Predicting the Gas Evolution in Silica Sand (Furan Binder) Mold Castings, International Journal of Cast Metal Research (IJCMR), online Feb 8, 2016, pp. 1743-1336, DOI:10.1080/13640461.2015.1125983.
60. A. Pitts, B. Tate and L. Nastac, FeSi Residuals and Their Effects on Steel Cleanliness, Iron & Steel Technology Journal, October 2015 issue, pp. 93-101.
59. S. Jia, D. Zhang, Y. Xuan, L. Nastac, An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Al-based Alloys and Nanocomposites Processed by Ultrasonic Cavitation Processing, Applied Acoustics, online on August 2015, Vol. 103, Part B, Feb. 2016, Pages 226–231, doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2015.07.016.
58. Laurentiu Nastac, An Efficient 3D Stochastic Model for Predicting the Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Alloy 718, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 84 (2015) 012089, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/84/1/012089.
57. Daojie Zhang and Laurentiu Nastac, Advanced Numerical Modeling of the Dispersion of Ceramic Nanoparticles during Ultrasonic Cavitation Processing and Solidification of 6061-based Nanocomposites, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 84 (2015) 012020, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/84/1/012020.
56. S. Jia, D. Zhang, L. Nastac, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the 6061-based Nanocomposites Fabricated via Ultrasonic Processing, J. of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, published online March 13, 2015, vol. 24 (6), 2015, pp 2225-2233 (DOI: 10.1007/s11665-015-1467-4)
55. Greg Poole and Laurentiu Nastac, On the Influences of Adjacent Conducting Media and Coil Frequency on the Electromagnetic filed and Flow characteristics in Solidifying Melts, Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production, vol. 15(1), 13-22, 2015 (DOI 10.1515/jmsp-2014-0045).
54. Laurentiu Nastac and Nagy El-Kaddah, Experimental and Stochastic Mesoscopic Modeling of the Globular Microstructure and the Microsegregation during the Solidification of Mg Alloys Cast at Low Superheat, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Production, vol. 15(1), 3-12, 2015 (DOI 10.1515/jmsp-2014-0053).
53. D. Zhang, L. Nastac, Numerical modeling of the dispersion of ceramic nanoparticles during ultrasonic processing of aluminum-based nanocomposites, J Mater Res Technol., 3(4) (2014), 296-302:
52. G. Poole, M. Heyen, L. Nastac, and N. El-Kaddah, Numerical Modeling of Macrosegregation in Binary Alloys Solidifying in the Presence of Electromagnetic Stirring, Metall. and Mat. Trans B, October 2014, vol. 45B, issue 5, 1834-1841 (2014), DOI 10.1007/s11663-014-0090-3.
51. L. Nastac, A 3D Stochastic Mesoscopic Model for Prediction of Microstructure Evolution in Solidifying Alloys, Metall Res Technol. EDP Sciences 2014, 111, pp. 311-319 (2014), DOI: 10.1051/metal/2014016, (presented at the Euromat2013, Solidification Symposium, Seville, Spain, Sep. 7-14, 2013).
50. L. Nastac, Numerical Modeling of Fluid Flow and Solidification Characteristics of Ultrasonically Processed A356 Alloys, ISIJ International, Vol. 54, No. 8, 2014, pp. 1830-1835 (DOI: (presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013) held at KTH and Alto University (Finland and Sweden), May 20-23, 2013).
49. L. Nastac, Numerical Modeling of Carbide Redistribution during Centrifugal Casting of HSS Shell Rolls, ISIJ International, Vol. 54, No. 6, 2014, pp. 1294-1303 (DOI: (presented as a Keynote Lecture at the 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013) held at KTH and Alto University (Finland and Sweden), May 20-23, 2013).
48. L. Nastac, “CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing,” Foreword, Met Trans B, Vol. 45B, No. 1, Feb 2014, p. 12 (ISSN 1073-5615, DOI 10.1007/s11663-013-0019-2)
47. L. Nastac, A Multiscale Transient Modeling Approach for Predicting the Solidification Structure in VAR-Processed Alloy 718 Ingots, Met Trans B, Vol. 45B, No. 1, Feb 2014, pp.44-50 (ISSN 1073-5615, DOI 10.1007/s11663-012-9715-6) (Online First, September 11, 2012, pp.1-7).
46. A. Patel and L. Nastac, Mathematical modeling of Microshrinkage formation during Solidification of A356 Castings, the International Journal of Metal Casting (AFS), Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 21-27.
45. X. Liu, S. Jia, and L. Nastac, Ultrasonic Cavitation-Assisted Molten Metal Processing of Cast A356-Nanocomposites, International Journal of Metal Casting (AFS), Vol. 8, Issue 1, Winter2014, December 2013 (12 pages).
44. S. Jia and L. Nastac, The Influence of Ultrasonic Stirring on the Solidification Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Alloy, Chemical and Material Engineering, Vol 1 (3), pp. 69-73, 2013 (DOI: 10.13189/cme.2013.010301).
43. L .Nastac, Numerical Modeling of Macro-Segregation and Shrinkage in Large Diameter Steel Roll Castings: A Mold Study, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 374-82, 2013 (DOI 10.1179/1743133613Y.0000000076).
42. R. Haghayeghi, E. Ezzatneshan, H.d Bahai and L. Nastac, Numerical and Experimental Modelling of the Grain Refinement of AA5754 Aluminum Alloy by Cavitation Process," Met. Mater. Int., 2013, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 959-967 (doi: 10.1007/s12540-013-5008-0).
41. L. Nastac and N. El-Kaddah, Microstructure Evolution of Cast Mg AZ31B Alloy at Low Superheat, International Journal of Metal Casting (AFS), Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 39-48, Dec 2012.
40. L. Nastac, Numerical Modeling of Magnetohydrodynamics and Soldification Phenomena in PAM Processed Ti-6Al-4V Ingots, J. of Iron and Steel Res. Intern., vol. 19, Sup. 1, pp. 277-281, 2012 (ISSN 1006-706X, CN 11-3678/TF).
39. L. Nastac and N. El-Kaddah, “A Stochastic mesoscopic model for predicting the globular grain structure and solute redistribution in cast alloys at low superheat,” IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33 2012: 012084 (8 pages):
38. L. Nastac, Multiscale modeling of the solidification microstructure evolution in the presence of ultrasonic stirring, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33 2012: 012079 (8 pages):
37. L. Nastac, “A Multiscale Modeling Approach for Predicting the Solidification Structure Evolution in Vacuum Arc Remelted Superalloy Ingots,” Mat. Sc. and Tech., Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 1006-1013, 2012 (DOI 10.1179/1743284712Y.0000000010).
36. M. Shamsuzzoha, L. Nastac and J. Berry, Development of Nano-Fibrous Eutectic and Primary Silicon Phases in Al-Si Cast Alloys for High Strength Structural Applications, International Journal of Metal Casting (AFS), Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 27-34, June 2012.
35. Laurentiu Nastac, Modelling approach for quantitative prediction of macro-shrinkage and micro-shrinkage in A356 sand mould castings. International Journal of Cast Metal Research, UK, vol.25, no.3, pp. 144-154, February 2012 (DOI 10.1179/1743133612Y.0000000001).
34. Laurentiu Nastac, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Macro-Segregation and Shrinkage in Large Diameter Steel Roll Castings, Met Trans B, 42B, 1231-1243, December 2011.
33. Laurentiu Nastac, Mathematical Modeling of the Solidification Structure Evolution in the Presence of Ultrasonic Stirring, Met Trans B, 42B, 1297-1305, December 2011.
32. R. Haghayeghi, H. Bahai, L. Nastac, On Microstructural Evolution of AA7449 Aerospace Alloy Refined by Mechanical Shearing, Materials Letter, vol. 65, 3230-3233, June 2011.
31. L. Nastac (invited guest), CFD Modeling of Macro-Segregation during Solidification of Superalloy Castings, The 2nd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification and Casting (CSSC2010), Sapporo, Japan, February 2010, ISIJ, Vol. 50, No. 12, pp. 1829–1834, 2010.
30. L. Nastac, P. Wang, O. Nayak, Distribution System Fault Analysis Tool Utilizing Transient Simulation Intelligence, Pulse: The Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Journal, February 2008 issue, pp. 6-11.
29. L. Nastac, K. Klug, M. Gungor, and T. Tack, Advances and Challenges in Investment Casting of Ti-6-4 Alloys, International Journal of Cast Metals Research (The CDC England), Vol. 19, No. 2, April 2006.
28. L. Nastac, H. Dong, K. Klug, M. Gungor, and T. Tack, Microstructure Evaluation and Prediction during the Investment Casting of Ti-6Al-4V Plates, TMS letter, TMS, Journal of Metals, January 15, 2005.
27. Kevin L. Klug, Ibrahim Ucok, Mehmet N. Gungor, Mustafa Guclu, Lawrence S. Kramer, Wm. Troy Tack, Laurentiu Nastac, Nicholas R. Martin, Hao Dong, and Joseph R. Pickens, The Near-Net-Shape Manufacturing of Affordable Titanium Components for the M777 Lightweight Howitzer, Research Summary, Titanium, Journal of Metals, TMS, March 2004, pp. 35-41.
26. L. Nastac, W. Hanusiak, H. Dong, and F. R. Dax, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of the EB-PVD SiC/Ti-6Al-4V Coating Process: Research Summary, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Journal of Metals, TMS, March 2004, pp. 49-53.
25. L. Nastac, Modeling and Simulating Engineering Processes with Computational Fluid Dynamics: Commentary, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Journal of Metals, TMS, March 2004, p. 43.
24. L. Nastac, F. R. Dax, and W. Hanusiak, Methodology for Modeling of the EB-PVD Coating Process, Journal de Physique, France, March 2004.
23. L. Nastac, Solidification Structure Modeling in Ingots Processed Through Primary and Secondary Remelt Operations, MCSP-5, Nagoya, Japan, Jan 2002, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, UK (The CDC England) (March 2003)
22. Juan J. Valencia, Michael L. Tims, and Laurentiu Nastac, “Bronze/TiC Composites for Friction Drums,” Advanced Materials and Processes, November 2002, pp. 39-41
21. L. Nastac, Y. Pang, and C. E. Shamblen, Estimation of the Solidification Parameters of Titanium Alloys, AFS Transactions (2002)
20. L. Nastac, Numerical Modeling of Solidification Morphologies and Segregation Patterns in Cast Dendritic Alloys, Acta Materialia, Vol. 47, No. 17, pp. 4253-4262 (November 1999)
19. L. Nastac, Influence of Gravitational Acceleration on Macrosegregation and Macrostructure during the Solidification of Directionally Cast Binary Alloys: A Numerical Investigation, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 173-189 (February 1999)
18. L. Nastac, S. Sundarraj, Kuang-O Yu, and Y. Pang, Stochastic Modeling of Solidification Structures in Alloy 718 Remelt Ingots, Journal of Metals, TMS, pp. 30-35 (March 1998)
17. L. Nastac, Analytical Modeling of Solute Redistribution During the Initial Unsteady Unidirectional Solidification of Binary Dilute Alloys: Comparison with Experiments, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 985-989 (1998)
16. L. Nastac, Analytical Modeling of Solute Redistribution During the Initial Unsteady Unidirectional Solidification of Binary Dilute Alloys, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 193, No. 1-2, 1998, pp. 271-284 (1998)
15. L. Nastac, On the Validity of the Quasi-Steady State Equation for Heat and Mass Transfer Problems with an Axially Moving Boundary, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 407-416 (1998)
14. L. Nastac, A Monte Carlo Approach for Simulation of Heat Flow in Sand and Metal Mold Castings (Virtual Mold Modeling), Metallurgical Transactions B, Vol. 29B, pp. 495-499 (1998)
13. L. Nastac, On the Validity of the Quasi-Steady State Equation for Heat and Mass Transfer Problems with an Axially Moving Boundary, accepted for publication in the International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (November 1997)
12. L. Nastac, A Novel Monte Carlo Approach for Simulation of Heat Flow in Sand and Metal Mold Castings (Virtual Mold Modeling), Metallurgical Transactions B, November 1997
11. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Computational Modeling of NbC/Laves Formation in Inconel 718 Equiaxed Castings, Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 28A, pp. 1582-1587 (July 1997)
10. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Stochastic Modeling of Microstructure Formation in Solidification Processes, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 391-420 (July 1997)
9. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Simulation of Microstructure Evolution during Solidification of Inconel 718, AFS Transactions, pp. 425-434 (1996)
8. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Macro Transport--Solidification Kinetics Modeling of Equiaxed Dendritic Growth. Part I, Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 27A, pp. 4061-4074 (1996)
7. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Macro Transport--Solidification Kinetics Modeling of Equiaxed Dendritic Growth. Part II, Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 27A, pp. 4075-4084 (1996)
6. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Modeling of Micro-Microsegregation during Solidification of Castings, ATTR (Romania) 1995, ed. C. Cosneanu, Bucharest, Romania (Sept. 1995)
5. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Prediction of the Gray-to-White Transition in Cast Iron through Solidification Modeling, AFS Transactions, pp. 329-337 (February 1995)
4. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, A Model for Solute Redistribution during Solidification of Plate, Columnar or Equiaxed Grains, Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 24A, pp. 2107-2118 (1993)
3. L. Nastac and D. M. Stefanescu, Modeling of Microsegregation in Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron, AFS Transactions, pp. 933-938 (1993)
2. V. Brabie, P. Moldovan, D. Stefanescu, G. Neagu, L. Cristea, A. Catalina, and L. Nastac, Mechanism and Kinetics of Alloy Filtration, International Journal of Materials & Product Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 49-57 (1993)
1. L. Nastac, C. Cosneanu, and V. Pirvu, Modernization of Processes of Molding and Coring under Vacuum, Tehnologii Calitate Masini Materiale (TCMM), No. 6, ET, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 6-13 (1989)